Monday, March 12, 2012

Crispin the first school to apply for academy status

By Laura Linham 01749 832336

Crispin School, in Street, has become the first school in centralSomerset to apply for academy status.

The head teacher of the school, Paul James, announced on Fridaythat the school would accept the invitation to sign up for morepower and freedom from the Secretary of State for Education.

If Michael Gove accepts this, the school would swap itsfoundation status for academy designation from the new school yearin September.

The school was offered a chance to become one of the Government'snew academies thanks to the school's outstanding grade from Ofsted.Academies receive funding directly from central Government, havemore power over the curriculum and can even change the length ofterms and school days.

Mr James said that, if approved, the application would "allow usgreater control over the school budget to achieve the best for ouryoung people, greater flexibility over the curriculum to improve theopportunities for our pupils, and an ability to bid directly to theDepartment for Education for future capital funding".

He said: "It will also give us the ability to retain ouroutstanding staff through improved professional opportunities, andallow us to continue to support our partner schools."

If approved, the school would be run by an academy trust whichwould be made up of the existing governing body, and includeparents, staff and members of the wider community.

Mr James has also reassured residents that there are no plans forthe academy to be run by business sponsors and all staff would beemployed by the governing body in the form of the new academy trust.

A meeting will be held on Monday, March 7, and on Wednesday,March 9, for parents, and will also accept any comments on theapplication by letter, or email before April 8.

"When considering significant changes such as this we always takeinto account the views of our colleagues and other interestedparties," said Mr James.

"While the governing body has authorised me to apply for academystatus a final decision has still to be made, and all comments willbe carefully considered."

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