Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Sacked Tristar shop steward in court bid to get job back

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sacked Tristar shop steward in court bid to get job back

A Sydney man who says he was sacked after 35 years .. for speaking out about a redundancy
row .. is applying to be reinstated to his job in the Federal Court in Sydney today.

MARTY PEEK told media about Tristar Steering and Suspension .. saying his employer
is paying workers to turn up to work until the expiry of a redundancy agreement.

He alleges Tristar's doing this to avoid paying them four weeks redundancy pay for
each year of service.

Last week Tristar sacked Mr PEEK .. who's a shop steward for the Australian Workers Union.

They say he's brought the company into disrepute with comments he'd made .. dating
back as far as 2001.

AWU state secretary RUSS COLLISON says due to the federal government's workplace relations
laws .. Mr PEEK's only option is to pursue the matter using common law.

Mr PEEK says he's been advised not to comment on the matter, ..which will come before
the Federal Court in Sydney this afternoon.

AAP RTV krc/sg/wjf/tm/bart


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