Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A good kick in the Shins; Fruit Bats are no second bananas


- 8 tonight

- Old Town School of Folk Music, 4544 N. Lincoln

- Tickets, $14-$16

- (773) 728-6000;

The Fruit Bats return home this weekend for a concert at Chicago's Old Town School of Folk Music, and that's a good place to start in describing what they're all about. The Fruit Bats are an indie pop band that will sound right at home in the listening room of one of the nation's best folk centers.

Twangy as well as twee, the Fruit Bats are helmed by Kenosha-born banjo instructor Eric D. Johnson. The D. is for differentiate: He's not Eric Johnson the noted guitar wanker, nor is he Eric …

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