Thursday, March 1, 2012

NSW: Unidentified object threatens water supply

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Unidentified object threatens water supply

SYDNEY, Dec 9 AAP - A township in northern New South Wales is facing severe water restrictions
after an unidentified object crashed into the local dam.

Some time between Monday and midday yesterday the projectile slammed into the Guyra
water supply dam on the outskirts of the town, north of Armidale.

Police said it was first noticed by a local council employee carrying out routine maintenance

Fire brigade spokesman John Hobar said an area of reed beds measuring four metres by
10 metres had been flattened, fuelling suspicion that the object may have fallen from
the sky.

But he said he had checked with a number of space agencies, meterological experts
and authorities in Canberra and there had been no sightings of an unidentified object
falling from the sky.

Mr Hobar said the brigade's hazardous material unit went to the scene and tested the
water for toxins and radioactive material, but the results were clear.

"There's a township of about 5000 people and they're on severe water restrictions now,"

Mr Hobar told AAP.

"We're not prepared to declare the water safe until we actually site the object. We're
not prepared to take any risks."

The local council has isolated water supply to the town by switching off pumps and
treatment works.

Mr Hobar said crews were unable to identify the object last night because it had become
embedded in the dam and the water was muddy.

Divers will be brought in this morning to try to make a positive identification.

AAP sal/jm


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